Broadband Commissioners celebrate WTISD 2024

On May 17th, the global community celebrated World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD), marking a significant occasion that underscored the transformative impact of digital technologies on creating a sustainable and inclusive future. This year’s WTISD theme, “Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development,” not only commemorated the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) but also highlighted the critical role digital innovation plays in tackling some of the world’s most pressing issues, such as climate change, hunger, and poverty.  

The event showcased the progress made towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals through digital means, while also drawing attention to the persistent digital divide. Despite the advancements, it is evident that much work remains to ensure equitable access to digital technologies, emphasizing the need for global collaboration to foster a truly connected world. WTISD serves as a reminder of the power of connectivity and the importance of building a future where digital innovation benefits all members of society. 

This year, ITU hosted a live chat with experts and innovators about the power of digital innovation in advancing sustainable development and prosperity for all, including Broadband Commission Co-Vice Chair and ITU Secretary General Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Broadband Commissioner and CEO of AST SpaceMobile, Abel Avellan and a video message from Broadband Commissioner and Director General of the Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA), Isabelle Mauro.  

Watch the full recording of the event here and learn more at 

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Broadband Commissioners Sign MoU to Improve Connectivity for MSMEs

In an effort to address the digital divide faced by MSMEs in developing countries, the Co-Chairs of the Working Group on Connectivity for MSMEs—Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Executive Director of the ITC and Mats Granryd, Director General of the GSMA—have recently signed an MoU. This new partnership aims to turn the key recommendations from the Commission Working Group’s outcome report, “Making Connectivity Work for MSMEs,” into actionable initiatives.