In today’s interconnected world, connectivity is crucial for development and economic growth, and this holds true, especially in Central Asia, as the region has undergone significant changes in its business landscape these last few years. Since 2020, ITC has been supporting businesses in five countries of the region through the EU-funded Ready4Trade Central Asia project.
In a challenging economic climate, the power of digital platforms has enabled these landlocked countries to overcome geographic barriers and access new international markets. This is where ITC’s work is especially valuable, as it assists businesses to leverage digital technologies to engage in online trade.
Initially, a network of national e-commerce advisors were trained to assist 200 businesses, 57% of which were led by women. Subsequently, tailored activities or eLabs were designed to focus on specific sales channels, expand partnerships and resolve challenges. With the eBay eLab, ITC worked with 400 new businesses, providing them with valuable expansion opportunities to sell internationally. 100 eBay stores were opened, and sales have been realized to buyers in 26 countries. To this extent, our work not only promotes gender equality but also contributes to decent work, economic growth and partnerships. (SDG 5,8,17).
By equipping businesses with the necessary knowledge and skills and linking them to markets, ITC empowers them to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape and tap into new opportunities. As part of this project businesses have gained a staggering $2.7 million in online sales through newly opened or improved online channels.