A warm welcome to our new Commissioners
The Broadband Commission would like to express a warm welcome to its new Commissioners this Fall. Some members are new to the Broadband Commission, others are new representatives of participating organizations, but all are excited to bring a fresh perspective and impactful contributions to the important work of the Commission in achieving its goal of Universal Connectivity.
The Honourable Ms. Mia Mottley
The Honourable Mia Mottley is the 8th Prime Minister of Barbados. She became the first woman to occupy the high office, following General Elections on May 24th 2018, in which she led the Barbados Labour Party to an emphatic victory, winning all 30 seats in the House of Assembly by the largest margin ever seen in the electoral history of the country.
An Attorney-at-Law and Queen’s Counsel, Prime Minister Mottley has been active in the political life of Barbados for almost three decades. First elected in 1994 she is presently serving her sixth term as Member of Parliament for the constituency of St. Michael North East.

H.E. Mr. Majed Almesmar
Eng. Majed Almesmar holds a bachelor degree of science in Electrical Engineering. He has over 27 years of experience in the field of telecommunications and regulatory. He held various top-level management within various telecom operators locally, regionally and internationally. At present, Mr. Almesmar is the Director General of the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) – UAE. Also, he is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the ICT Fund-UAE and member of the advisory council of Dubai Chamber of Commerce for the Digital Economy. Mr. Almesmar is a very active participant in the ITU activities and was the Chairman of the Plenipotentiary Conference 2018 as well as WSIS 2018.

Professor Merecedes Aráoz
Mercedes Aráoz is a Professor of International Economics and Public Policy at Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru. Currently, she is a member of the Executive Board of the Global Crop Trust and a member of Friends of Multilateralism Group.
She has been Vice-President and member of the Parliament and Prime Minister of Peru. Other previous government positions held in her home country are: Minister of Finance, Minister of Production and Minister of Trade and Tourism, Executive Director of the Competitiveness Council and Member of the Antidumping and Countervailing Duties Committee at INDECOPI. She has been Representative of the Interamerican Development Bank in Mexico.

Mr. Courtenay Rattray
Courtenay Rattray began his tenure as High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States in July, 2021.
It is the role of the High Representative to mobilize international support in favour of the ninety-one most vulnerable member states of the United Nations. It is his mandate to advocate on their behalf and raise awareness of their economic, social and environmental potential and ensure that the pressing needs of the 1.1 billion people who live there remain high on the international agenda.