
Featured Research and Reports

The State of Broadband 2017: Broadband Catalyzing Sustainable Development

The State of Broadband 2017: Broadband for Catalyzing Sustainable Development report was released on 14  September 2017 in Geneva. The State of Broadband annual report is a unique global snapshot of broadband network access and affordability, with country-by-country data measuring broadband access against key advocacy targets set by the Commission in 2011. The report highlights

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Open Statement from the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development to the Marrakech Climate Change Conference (COP-22)

Broadband for Implementing the Paris Agreement The UN Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development addresses this Open Statement to the UN Marrakech Climate Change Conference (COP-22) Conference in Morocco in November 2016. We, the UN Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development, affirm our sincere belief in the vital role of broadband for

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The State of Broadband 2016: Broadband Catalyzing Sustainable Development

This report provides an update on progress towards the global targets of the ITU/UNESCO Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development and showcases the research and thought leadership of the Broadband Commission. It also provides a global snapshot of where the telecommunication/ICT industry stands with regards to fixed and mobile broadband deployment,

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